These issues have been pondered, talked about for over months now. There are a lot of speculations and hearsays about this Bill. I myself am not equally into this Bill (not the entirety of them-but there are I guess few ones which I feel not deemed to be on the lists). Many are pro or not against this senate bill, although there are also many who does not want this Bill to take into action- the very much heard of are the religious sectors most especially that of the Roman Catholics, in full extent, the sector of the CBCP(Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines). This is not a big issue here in our country, the Philippines because we are in a large scale, mostly Catholics. For me, this is not an issue of secularism or of any specific religious sect. This one for me is a person to person case. I believe that we have our choice and will to choose what we think is the most appropriate of-e.g. birth method. What is wrong with the most of us? We tend to forget our m...
General health care ideas. Suggestions on supplemental health care systems or tips on how to eat the right and ideal foods that will promote health renewal and revitalization. Having good health and proper well-being for every individual and the people as well as its environment as a holistic view.