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Continued...Signs and secrets to longevity- How to live to 100 (Part II)

To finish off what I've started, here are the other signs and secrets to Longevity:

-Social Life

Whenever you are friendly and really like your friends. Having a good interpersonal relationship can buffer stress. With more people, their support can keep you healthy mentally as well as physically. According to one study, chronic stress can weaken the immune system and makes the cell age faster that is linked to an ultimate shorter lifespan.

Having healthy friends is another plus factor to longevity. To maintain healthy lifestyle, stick with people who have similar goals. You can also join a weight loss group or a charity or walk for a cause.

-The Mind

Another factor link to longevity shows that If you have undergone college freshman you are less likely to become a smoker. The recent study by the Harvard Medical School found that people who have more than 12 years of formal education live months longer than those with lower years of education. This may be linked to the fact that the more education you have the lesser it is likely that you would resort to smoking.

If you embrace technology trends, like learning Skype or twitter could help stimulate brain cell keeping it young and healthy. Much research has explained that using the latest technology tends to help us not only to be mentally spry but to be socially engaged as well. Try to be connected with family or friends, with the current events and you will feel vitally relevant.

-Health History

If your pulse beats 60 times per minute- a healthy heart beats at rest. Many people have resting heart rate that beats 60 and 100 b/minute, the lower the heart beat the healthier. Slower pulse means that your heart doesn’t work hard and could last longer.

If a person started menopause at a later age like 52, studies have shown that experiencing natural menopause later in life means an increased in life span. A clinical obstetrician said that women who go through menopause late have a much lower risk of heart disease.

Another factor that can possibly enhance longevity is having a baby later in life. If you got pregnant naturally after age of 44 you’re 15% less likely to die after age 50. Reports on a recent study has shown that if women’s ovaries are healthy and is capable of having children at that age, then it is a marker that they have genes operating that could help them live longer.

If your mother had you younger, under the age of 25, then you are twice as likely to live to a hundred. According to University of Chicago, they suspect that younger moms’ best eggs go first to fertilization and thus provide a healthy offspring.

If you are not prone to snoring, can be another factor that can be a sign of longevity. Snoring is a major obstructive sleep apnea; this is a disorder that can cause you to stop breathing. In some cases this can happen 60 to 70 times per hour. This disorder is also linked with high blood pressure, weight gain, depression and memory problems.

Having your blood tested for Vitamin D level is also a great help in increasing chances of longevity. Vitamin D may help reduce risk of cancer, heart disease, infections as well as the risk of osteoporosis. If needed, one must take daily supplement of Vitamin D. Periodic monitoring maybe necessary in some cases- since Vitamin D turns toxic as it reaches 100 to 150ng/mL.

If you have not experience psoriasis is also a good sign of longevity. Women diagnosed with chronic skin condition are likely to develop diabetes and increased risk of high blood pressure. Psoriasis should be viewed as a systemic disorder and not just as a skin disease.

Lastly, attending religious service for at least once a week is also helpful for you. There is about 20% reduce risk of death for women who attend religious or spiritual ceremonials.


  1. Great work on this blog.. keep writing and good luck in blogging..



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