Drink Green Tea - as already discussed before, this potential beverage contains powerful antioxidants that helps lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Italian cooking - use oil which are MUFA rich olive oil whenever possible. This oil contains heart-healthy fats that lowers the LDL-bad cholesterol while raises HDL-good cholesterol. Aside from that, this oil is also rich in antioxidants that helps reduce risk of chronic disease like Alzheimer and certain cancers. So it’s advisable to substitute your daily use of butter and margarine or vegetable oil for baking and cooking whenever possible. Use fiber rich foods in your diet -It has been observed among studies that the more fiber you eat, the lesser you will be likely to have a heart attack. Aim for at least 25 to 38 grams of fiber each day, use beans for your soups, salads or casserole. Scan food labels -It is advisable that you read food labels and nutritional facts. According to some research and study, thos
General health care ideas. Suggestions on supplemental health care systems or tips on how to eat the right and ideal foods that will promote health renewal and revitalization. Having good health and proper well-being for every individual and the people as well as its environment as a holistic view.