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How to Prevent Heart Attack Arise: Protect yourself from heart attack occurrences

Below are some classic ideas and prevention of heart attack occurrences. Be mindful of the following useful facts and situations.

1. Every Monday mornings

It was studied that about 20% of heart attacks occurs every Mondays, as science shows that there is a good reason to dread the first day of work. This fact maybe attributed to the fact that most people are more stressed and depressed about returning back to work. 

What to do:

Prevent this to occur by relaxing every Sundays. Getting up early on Mondays will make your body rhythm in order. After you may have slept late Saturdays could raise your blood pressure as your body is fatigued. Try to maintain regular sleeping hours as well as waking hours and make sure your schedule is fixed for the whole week so as not to upset your routine.

2.  After a voluptuous meal

An indulgence on a great tasting and five course meals with lots of calories especially for dinner can place an impact on your heart health. As it is shown that high fat, high carbohydrate meals would constrict blood vessels that will make the blood more prone to clotting.

What to do:

To remedy this, you must keep your portion of meals on a reasonable amount. An aspirin a day is also recommended to prevent “blood stickiness”.

3. Watch yourself every morning

Researchers from Harvard University have estimated a 40% increase of heart attacks in early mornings. It was established that when you awake, your body secrets adrenaline and other stress hormones that increases blood pressure as well as the demand for oxygen. Blood is also thicker by this time and is hard to pump since you are partially dehydrated at sleep.

What to do:

Be sure to build a snooze time schedule to wake up slowly. When you’re on exercise, try to warm up thoroughly first in order to not stress the heart.

4. At Public talks/Podium

Public speaking can also bring stress and pressure, is similar to an unaccustomed exercise from a heart attack perspective.  Extreme nervousness can raise blood pressure, rate of heart and adrenaline levels.

What to do:

To counter and deal with this disposition/effect, take beta-blocker before publicly speaking, trying or doing something that can make you overly anxious.

5. Being stuck in a traffic and overexcitement/overwhelmed

Another situation that can cause blood pressure to rise or can triple heart attack risk is being stuck in a traffic, and we don’t want to deal with this unprepared. Another is being overly excited of upcoming events and happenings like winning on some stakes or game.

What to do:

It is really best to be always disciplined and prepared. What I meant of being disciplined is being alert, wake-up early or by having a schedule of your plans ahead for the day so as not to be caught up in traffic should this event arise. It will also be best to have a regular check-up of your blood pressure.

6. Over fatigued, on an unusually vigorous exercise

Heart attack may happen while shoveling snow. This is a typical example of heart attack occurrence since the victim may not be accustomed to the kind of effort and stress he/she has gone through since he heart rate increases and blood pressure may have sky rocketed in an eventuality.

What to do:

Protect yourself against this happening by regular exercise and increase intensity level on a gradual basis and succession.


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