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Ways to Cut Yourself Out from Heart Disease Risks

  • Drink Green Tea- as already discussed before, this potential beverage contains powerful antioxidants that helps lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Italian cooking- use oil which are MUFA rich olive oil whenever possible. This oil contains heart-healthy fats that lowers the LDL-bad cholesterol while raises HDL-good cholesterol. Aside from that, this oil is also rich in antioxidants that helps reduce risk of chronic disease like Alzheimer and certain cancers. So it’s advisable to substitute your daily use of butter and margarine or vegetable oil for baking and cooking whenever possible.
  • Use fiber rich foods in your diet-It has been observed among studies that the more fiber you eat, the lesser you will be likely to have a heart attack. Aim for at least 25 to 38 grams of fiber each day, use beans for your soups, salads or casserole.
  • Scan food labels-It is advisable that you read food labels and nutritional facts. According to some research and study, those who read labels were able to slash twice as many calories from those who do not. Avoid trans- fats whenever possible and look for “hydrogenated” trans fats found in baked goods, cookies or processed foods which contains fats that raise artery-clogging LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Eat your veggies-Aim to make 50% of veggies in your meals to attain the daily nutritional allowance recommended. Cruciferous and green leafy vegetables are gold mines for your heart, containing phytochemicals and antioxidants.
  • Start and end your day with an exercise- Make a habit of stretching you muscles and some simple exercise every day. Flexibility may be your key to heart-healthy life. Do some routine exercise for about 10 to 15 mins a day, this may help keep arteries pliable. It was also shown in a recent study that adults of over 40 years show 30 % less stiffness in the arteries than their lesser-bendy counterparts.
  • Choose a 100% fruit juice-Use orange juice in your meal, orange juice contains folic acid that lowers levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to higher risk of heart attack. Grape juice is also a great complimentary, which are loaded with flavonoids and resveratrol; both were potent antioxidants that helps keep our blood healthy and eliminate formations of arterial clot or blood clots.
  • Keep off second hand smokes-Stay away from people, friends, or coworkers who smoke. Second hand smoke affects the cardiovascular system. Passive smokings are affected on an average of 80 to 90% than the active smokers. Even just a brief exposure can give great effects on your cardiovascular systems.
  • Take Vitamin D and Fish Oil- According to an assistant professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, the only dietary supplement in a randomized clinical trial that is shown to work against cardiac death is fish oil. They contain omega-3 fatty acids that work to stabilize heart’s electrical system; lowers blood pressure and ease systemic inflammation. Vitamin D boast wide health benefit range, amongst them is the heart health. Studies show that too little amounts could raise the risk of peripheral arterial disease by an estimate of 80% and increase the probability of developing diabetes which is also a heart risk factor.
  • Stay connected/Communicate frequently- Strong relation ties to friends, family members and the community reduces anxiety and helps fight depression- 2 factors that can be a risk attributed to heart attacks. Make lunch date with friends and neighbors or dinner date with family members for at least once in every week. You can also make commitments to visit your place of worship.


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