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What to Eat Best that’s Right for Your Age

The fundamentals of healthy living remains the same whether you are on your 20’s or 50’s, the difference comes on age stages and lifestyle of living.

It’s a fact that people eat differently at different stages in their life. At twenties it can be observed that people of this ages work hard as well as play and enjoy social functions that they have no time to look for themselves more properly. Some would stay out late at work during the time that they are about to establish their goals and careers early in life but they love to night out with friends giving them no time to prepare healthier and balanced nutritional foods for themselves.

In their hectic 20s, for people of this age and stage, eating healthy slips far down their priority list. Twenty-something people gets into the bad habits of skipping their breakfast meals. It’s important to cram into calcium intakes at this point of stage to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis since our bones keeps on growing until the late of 20s. At this stage, most people also tend to eat a lot of salty and sweet foods that can lead to the increase in blood pressure and place them in the risks of developing heart disease later in life.

-In order to eat right, twenty-something people should increase their intake of the following:

1. Eat at least 3 servings of dairy products everyday to achieve your required calcium intakes, e.g. small yogurt or 3g cheese, a 200ml of milk or through orange drinks such as Tropicana calcium enriched.

2. Eat your breakfast everyday and not skip on them. Your cereal and skimmed milk or a glass of fruit juice will be able to up you with your daily fiber needs and key vitamins for the day.

3. Lower your intake of salt, aim to eat no more than 2.5g or 6g a day. Sugar intake should not be more than 200-250 calories, processed or that included in fruit juice and your daily food meals.

When turning on your 30s, various commitments takes toll, taking your career to higher levels or you’re starting a family, and eating the right and proper kinds of food is not among your top priorities. In your 30s, start to make investments for your body’s future and ease up a bit on your bad habits you have picked up in your hectic 20s.

Eat foods or diets that are rich in antioxidants to help you protect against certain problems such as Alzheimer, heart disease, certain types of cancer and cataracts. Diet is especially important when you are planning to start a family. Folic acid is useful and a must for every woman planning to become pregnant since this helps prevent dangerous diseases like spina bifida that cause paralysis

-The following are what busy women of 30s should do:

1. Do your body good by exercising, this way you are helping yourself feel fabulous and great.

2. Try to up your folic acid intakes, from sources like oranges, green leafy vegetables and cereals fortified with iron.

3. Lower your caffeine intakes or use decaffeinated tea instead since this are packed with antioxidants that are shown to lower cancer, heart diseases and boost metabolism.

In your 40s, you should be able to consider your body’s preparation for the future, the wrinkles to be kept at bay and bones to be strengthened. Food and diet should be given top priority. Women in their 40s plus should not get slack with their good habits.

Try to tackle weight problems to buy yourself away from health problems certain ailments. On this stage, try to increase your iron intake to enjoy an active life. Alcohol intake should be kept in moderation to help your heart stay healthy.

-Here are some ideas on what your age group should do:

1. Eat right for your age like eating the best sources of iron foods like liver and lean meat or eat lots  of green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals if you’re a vegetarian.

2. Exercise still plays a very important role at this stage and age since your metabolic rate drops.

3. Do not do more intakes of calories since your metabolism slowed down and if you try to eat like you did in your 20s, your body will store this calories as fats.


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