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Breakfast Tips and Ideas for a Healthier Lifestyle

Breakfast has been one of the important main food parts of the everyday life. Every person should eat breakfast everyday to boost positive health effect, studies found a link to eating breakfast and the lesser effect of acquiring diabetes and becoming obese.

It was also seen that one’s breakfast choice influences the food consumption for everyday.

  • Eat the right and proper amount of your food servings for the day. Be watchful of what you choose to eat. Try to limit your calorie intake to at least 300 cal.
  • Use brown rice instead of processed cereal since brown rice contains B vitamins and more fiber.
  • Blend strawberries, banana with protein powder and ice to make a sumptuous smoothie. You can add yogurt to add calcium to your antioxidant rich concoction.  You can also try adding ground flaxseed to cereal or yogurt or your smoothie since flaxseed contains more omega-3 sources.
  • Try using organic eggs than regular ones, the organic eggs contains more omega-3 fatty acids that are known to combat depression, and lower risk of heart or circulatory problems.
  • Use a soft spread made with plant stanols instead of butter. Using 2 tablespoon everyday lowers the cholesterol level. You can also try using tuna fish instead to your toast than using butter, or other sources of omega-3 fatty acids with protein like smoked salmon or lox.
  • Make your own home made granola without fat and sugar of granola from store. Combine 2 cups of rolled oats with a cup of dried fruits and seeds, then add a pinch of brown sugar, toast mixture in oven for 3-5 minutes.
  • Studies found that people who eat high-fiber cereals eat less fat in their breakfast and their diet.
  • Start your day with a cup of green tea that contains antioxidants that is good for the heart and has a weight loss effect.
  • Take vitamins and other supplements together with your breakfast to lessen the chances of stomach upset and to help absorb mineral nutrients.
  • Make a vegetarian breakfast meats out of vegetables, like veggie burgers, soy crunbles or soy sausage, to add more protein to your diet with out saturated fats.


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