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Scents and Smells that Helps Boost Health

Human sense organ, the nose contains smell receptors which are able to identify many different types of smell or odor, and is more precise than our sense of taste. These receptors can detect and determine information and transmits them to the olfactory organ that relays to our limbic system.

Our limbic system is a primitive part of our brain that governs our memories and emotions-like our common behaviors and feelings. This proves why odor can help lower stress, ease pain, improve our mental and physical performances and can even fight insomnia, lose weight and can also act as an aphrodisiac  as shown on different studies and research.

According to one of the world’s leading aroma scientists and perfumers, and to quote, “Our sense of smell has amazing powers to affect our moods and feelings,” explains Dr. Dodd. “My work has been focused on devising ways for people to put their sense of smell to work to help them live healthier, happier lives.”

So, in order to use your sense of smell into a great advantage for yourselves, here are some useful tips and information gathered. You can check on them, and maybe you could make use of one or most of them too.

  1. Sniff lavender or orange to calm yourself. It was found in a study that the smell of oranges and lavender wafted on air before a group of participants made them feel calmer and less anxious with a positive aura than those who were not exposed to the fragrance.
  2. In order to learn something new, try sniffing rosemary. According to a research in Northumbria, United Kingdom, after exposure to rosemary oil, some 48 college students felt more alert and even outperformed a controlling group of students on memory tests. While you’re memorizing or studying something for work, try to pluck a branch of rosemary to smell to boost positive memory aura.
  3. Help soothe menstrual difficulties or cramps by trying to sniff essential oils. These aromatherapy essential oils can help ease discomfort.  As an example, try adding 2 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of rose oil and clary sage oil to an almond base oil and massage unto your abdomen once a day for a week before your menstrual period.
  4. If you’re looking for a means to use less pain medication, try exposure to lavender oil or peppermint. After a review on a study, a Jesuit researcher concluded that these aromas can help ease headache while reports from German headache researchers, showed that the brisk smell of peppermint is as effective as acetaminophen.
  5. To feel younger sniff pink grapefruit, smell this fresh citrus to influence age perception. A study on some volunteers who viewed photographs of models after being exposed to the smell of pink grapefruit perceived the models as being 3 years younger as opposed to other people who judged the photos while not smelling anything at all.
  6. For you to rev up your workout, you must sniff peppermint. In a study given to college basketball players who were given peppermint vapors, it gave them more motivation, speed, energy, stamina and confidence. Some athletes use peppermint inhalers.
  7. To resists snack attack temptation, sniff green apple or another favorite scent, a fragrance that you love can help manage cravings according to Alan Hirsch-founder of the Smell & Taste treatment and Research foundation in Chicago. Keep a bottle of your favorite and handy scents and try sniffing its scents instead of snacking on your cravings.
  8. For you to be able sleep more deeply try and sniff lavenders. Earlier research has shown that a whiff of lavender has demonstrated an increase in the deep slow-wave sleep and can also help with people who experiences mild insomnia.


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