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Silent Signs That You Are Into Stress

In a busy world and lifestyle we are undergoing every day,  time to give ourselves some relaxation and managing our stress can sometimes be  left to our lesser priority lists.  But,  we need to reevaluate the symptoms of stress may it be physical, emotion or  psychological.

Our body shows some signals and alerts us if we are feeling  stress. In order to keep ourselves alert and do good to our overall health and  benefit on them as well, here are a few lists of body clues on stress.

Suggestive actions to take in order to treat the symptoms of  stress:

Skin Problems like itchy or dry skin:  Our skin is the largest and most visible  organ in the body so it tends to register stress fairly quickly. Itch problem  can cause stress, and the feeling of anxiousness or tension brought by this  skin problem can aggravate underlying conditions like dermatitis, eczema or  psoriasis. If you are prone to breakouts, stress increases the inflammation  that can lead to acne.

Remedy: Keep skin clean and moisturized, drink lots of water  -- breathe.

Sore or Achy mouth: An achy jaw can be a sign of teeth grinding that usually occurs at sleep  brought on by stress. There were several observations of an increase of  "bruxism" or teeth grinding cause anxiety during the economic  downturn.

Remedy:  Ask your  dentist about a nighttime mouth guard -- up to 70 percent of people who use one  reduce or stop teeth grinding, according to the American Dental Association.

Worse Allergies: In a 2008 study,  it was known that even  slight stress and anxiety can worsen a person's allergic reaction to some  routine allergens. The researchers found that allergy sufferers had more  symptoms after taking an anxiety-producing test, than when they did a task that  did not make them tense. Stress hormones may stimulate a blood protein that  causes allergic reactions as informed by the study author Janice Kiecolt-Glaser,  PhD.

Remedy: The antihistamines given to treat allergy symptoms may  not be the whole solution, so it’s advised to get plenty of sleep every night  and not just on weekends.

Sweet Cravings: When there are some people who lose their appetites when they are under stress,  there are some that ignites cravings for things like chocolate and  carbohydrates. You may not have realized this but you can apply "stressed"  as "desserts" spelled backwards. A person often feels a craving for  the junk foods, soda, caffeine and alcohol to give them a lift or calm them,  but is a temporary feeling that can be satiated.

Remedy: When the cravings set in, try chewing sugarless gum  or to detach yourself from the idea of taking those mouth-watering illusions, try  going for a walk to relieve the stress.


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