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Take care of your eyes-Tips for Better Vision

Here are some useful tips and lists on how to take care of your eyes for better vision:
    • Always try to wear eye protection whenever possible. When you are doing carpentry works, use safety eye glasses to prevent debris from falling directly to your eyes and cause corneal abrasion.
    • Always wear sunglasses (UV absorbent) when you leave your place to shield your eyes from the glare of the sun and protect your eyes from winds drying effects as well as from other harsh agents from open air.
    • Wash your eyes with cold water for 2-3 times a day. Dip your eyes a palm full of water and blink in the water several times to remove debris and secretions from the lower conjunctival sac.
    • Wear large hat or cap together with your sunglasses, this way try to block UV radiation and reduce whatever might enter into your eyes.
    • At work, when writing or reading time, make a habit of setting your alarm to beep every 30 minutes. This will be your reminder of having a break for your eyes to prevent eye strain and fatigue.
    • Remove eye makeup every night and don’t try to wear them at sleep. This way you prevent small particles of your makeup from coming to your eyes that could possibly scratch your cornea parts.
    • Always try to make sure to read in good illumination. Ensure that the light falls on the paper that you are reading and not on the direction of your eyes. As much as possible, the light source should be behind you and should illuminate the paper you are reading.
    • Use clean and fresh towels whenever you wipe your face. If you share a face towel with the others, there is a big chance of acquiring yourself a conjunctive-pink eye that is a contagious eye infection if it is going around.
    • Try to check on your vital signs and blood pressure every month. You can do it at your home or visit your nearest health care centers or clinics It was observed that having a high blood pressure and when unchecked could lead to damage vessels of the eye.
    • Aim your ventilations away from the eyes like your air conditioner at home or in you cars. They could suck the moisture from your eyes. If serious dryness occurs, they could lead to corneal abrasion and even blindness.
    • Take supplements like bilberry that contains compounds called anthocyanosides, that can help protect the retina of the eye against macular degeneration. You can also try fish oil supplements.
    • Eat foods that contains nutrients to fight off age related macular degeneration and cataracts. Eat spinach and other cruciferous vegetables. Fish are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that is proven to reduce risks of dry-eye syndrome.


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