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Exercise to Slow off Aging

Here’s an exciting news, German researchers have found out that middle-aged athletes have cells that look much younger at a microscopic level than those people who don’t exercise. The scientists examined and made some studies on two groups of elite runners. The first group was made up of 20 somethings who ran about 45 miles per week, while the second group of twenty with an average age of 50-55 yrs of age and ran nearly 50 miles per week. These groups were compared to less active individuals of comparable age.

The research focused on the length of the individuals telomeres. Telomeres are “protective caps” found at either end of a chromosome. When we’re young, telomeres are relatively long, but each time a cell divides they get shorter until eventually the cell dies. There is increasing evidence that short telomeres make us more vulnerable to the ravages of age-related illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and others.

Scientist found that the length of older runners was only ten percent shorter than those of the young runners. In contrast, the older couch potatoes’ telomeres were 40 percent shorter than those of sedentary young people.

Those who can’t run anywhere near 50 miles a week will be happy to know that the German research builds on what we learned in 2008, when a study of British twins showed that subjects who exercised just 3 hrs a week had telomeres that looked nine years younger than those subject who exercise only 16 minutes per week.

This research shows that exercise is anti-aging. Future research will focus on the effects of yoga on the skin appearance.


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