If you’re hooked on using disposable cleansing clothes or facial wipe because these products are convenient, but are costly, take time to cut each in half. With this little effort you gain twice cleansing clothes and save money in the process.
Exfoliate: Make yourself a homemade body exfoliates by mixing olive oil with sea salt or sugar. Smooth over your skin in a circular motion avoiding the breast area and rinse off. Then you can apply your favorite moisturizer afterwards.
Body Brush: Dry brushing the skin before shower is another great way to eliminate the natural oil glands in your body. Using natural bristle body brush, start at your feet and lightly through the skin area in circular motion. Then you follow with a warm shower and slather your body with moisturizer.
Natural cleanser: When regular cleanser runs out, use something you can find at your fridge like pinch buttermilk, yogurt and even cream. They are gentle and natural skin cleanser.
Moisturizer alternative: Instead of using a cream moisturizer after bath or shower, use almond oil and rub them into your skin for a treat. You can also combine a few drops of your favorite essential oil-peppermint, lavender, etc, to leave your skin soft, smooth and supple.
Hand moisturizer: Keep a hand cream on your desk or at work for regular, well-moisturized hands. Apply the cream throughout the day to rejuvenate your cuticles and keep your kin saturated.
Sleep apnea is a common disorder characterized by a reduction or pauses of breathing in which you have one or more pauses in breathing (shallow breaths) while you sleep. Breathing pauses often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Normal breathsmay start again but may sometimes come with a loud snort or choking sound. During a sleep apnea - a person’s sleep usually is disrupted due to inadequate breathing and poor oxygen levels in the blood. This cause a person to become completely awake after a deep sleep, and sometimes makes a person go from deep sleep level into a lighter sleep or into a more shallow level of sleep. This can results in a sleep disorder where a person's poor sleep quality may trigger tiredness in the course of the day. Sleep apnea is known to be the lead cause of daytime sleepiness in people with this disorder and may sometimes go undiagnosed. Many people don't even know that they have this sleeping disorder. So, it would be at best if a family member or...
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