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Ways and Simple Recommendations to Reduce Varicose Veins

There are several ways and simple common sense recommendation to reduce the cause of varicose veins. Among them are avoiding high heels, wearing loose clothes, to quit smoking or taking aspirin to thin the blood and prevent blood clot. Below are some more useful tips and recommendations to follow to reduce varicose veins.

  1. Do regular exercise like running, walking, cycling, and swimming to keep blood vessels healthy. Start your day with a brisk walk or finish with a swim or bike ride. You can help control varicose vein with specially designed exercise programs from directions of trained exercise therapist.
  2. Stick to high fiber and low-fat diet. High-fiber diet helps prevent build up pressure and aggravation of varicose veins. Accomplish this diet by building a meal with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes that are rich in fibers. Vitamin A, B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Bioflavonoid rich fruits and foods or supplements are helpful and are known to share a promise in treatment of varicose veins.  Avoid foods rich in sugar, fried foods, salt, alcohol, animal protein, refined foods and processed foods.
  3. If your job requires you to be on your feet, or continuous sitting position on your chair, try to stretch or move your legs as often as possible. Do simple exercise to work-out the muscles of your legs to keep from being strained.
  4. Eliminate the cause of varicose vein build up by using herbal therapies. Apply witch hazel eternally to the parts affected for 2 or more weeks to best see expected results. Bilberries are great to use since they promote the support system of the normal formation of tissues and strengthens the body’s capillaries that prevents the cause of varicose veins.  Gotu Kola, gingko, and hawthorn are great source in strengthening blood vessels as well as peripheral circulation improvement.
  5. Eat more cayenne, garlic, onion, ginger have great dispersal enzymes on protein build up that makes the skin near varicose veins hard and lumpy. Pineapple, which contains an enzyme that promotes breakup of fibrin, is also a great source in the prevention of the growth of varicose veins.

Other more useful ways and preventive measures to  work on are yoga, color therapy, massage, reflexology, juice therapy, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, chiropractic  or homeopathy which can deal more not only for varicose vein prevention but more so on general health and well-being.


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