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My Views On Reproductive Health Bill and More…

These issues have been pondered, talked about for over months now. There are a lot of speculations and hearsays about this Bill. I myself am not equally into this Bill (not the entirety of them-but there are I guess few ones which I feel not deemed to be on the lists). Many are pro or not against this senate bill, although there are also many who does not want this Bill to take into action- the very much heard of are the religious sectors most especially that of the Roman Catholics, in full extent, the sector of the CBCP(Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines). This is not a big issue here in our country, the Philippines because we are in a large scale, mostly Catholics.
For me, this is not an issue of secularism or of any specific religious sect. This one for me is a person to person case. I believe that we have our choice and will to choose what we think is the most appropriate of-e.g.  birth method. What is wrong with the most of us? We tend to forget our mission (what we are really to do here on earth). We are blessed to have a Democratic country- where we are able to freely express our views and opinions that surround us, but DO we really think this is the real essence of freedom? “Freedom of Expression” is what we always try to say, as an excuse about our behaviors or misbehaviors when we protest for something, for which is not what we want to happen or anything. But are we using this freedom, free-will and knowledge that GOD has provided us for the RIGHT reasons? I don’t really believe so…Why am I saying this? Because what we are trying to put down is not the Church or the CBCP, which comprises our priests. Because in the end we are only pulling ourselves down. Think more deeply before we take action- the Catholic Church has not only thought about this on a short time or in an instant, this has been thought of very well- thoroughly discussed, argued, reacted- before they were able to compromise and tackle the issue before they took action – --- (which is what I believe happened on the course of the process and had been their stand ever since), in more times than what MOST of us thought of.
I was so depressed, saddened and disappointed to see on televisions and hear on radios how people reacted in so inappropriate a manner than what a responsible, civilized or mature person should react- to know that they are protesting on these as if they are talking to a group of convicts. Try to tell, explain to our priests in a much appropriate manner of what the problem you saw or thought is wrong on those persons (priests). I believe that our priests are mostly, if not all, are understanding people- to understand, to listen, to educate- are just a few of their duties.
Each of us has his/her own duties and responsibilities- our priests have their own duties and responsibilities too. And one of this is to help us understand the real meaning of LIFE. That is why our priests are against abortion, extra marital sex, pre marital sex; divorce, illegal gambling, to name a few. ALL this have the same purpose and boils down to one issue- that is to understand the true meaning and value of LIFE. Let us value each other- be an advocate of Life.
What I want to say is that we should be always extra careful on what we do or act- that will constantly have a reaction or consequences. Our religious leaders have been there- whether they are priests, pastors, nuns, monks or other ministers and religious orders. Their duties as our religious leaders are wide- much wider than we thought of. And to make matters deeper- they are morally liable to what they can do to help us in our moral values and ethics. In their hearts is what many of us don’t understand (which is only the Best for US). Let us dig deeper- we may be a successful professionals, whether in the field of medicine, of law, politics, education and more..But, do we know that our religious leaders have more to answer for and are liable than just our doctors when they commit mistake on their patients? When drivers don’t understand the rule of traffic and cause traffic problem and in worse case, death? Like ourselves when we commit mistake- we have to answer for that mistake—and this is what our priests are trying to make us understand—they are in more ways than we think or believe, are liable to their religious people, community, and most especially to GOD if those particular individual have moral problems wherein they were not able to help when they are there to help which for me is specifically a bigger role to take. So, why do we have to put down our priests? (Like what happened in the television). Does this makes sense? We don’t have to resort to all this extra effort to humiliate these persons- because we all know they are only human beings. Yes, that is right, they too have feelings, like us- they get sick, they feel hungry, they commit sins-yes, they too are also sinners (but they admit their mistake, ask for forgiveness, and not do that same mistake again-that mistake may not be in action, it could be in thoughts or words) and lastly they die too. What is more humbling is that, they are there when we die, to do the rites or ceremonies, when their religious community grieves-they also grieve, for us, for you...and yes, for our country. But…are we also there for them?  Do we feel for them? Yes and No- Yes when we need their presence and down or No when we are at the height of success, where we tend to forget them? Let this be a challenge for us, as our religious leaders have been too. Let us not be too proud and learn to stoop down. Respect each other as well as the rights of each one of us. And be morally conscious. Do not let temptations get in our life.
Our priests- not only priests or our pastors, but that includes every religious leaders of our society, are only persons like us, they are not superhuman- but we sometimes tend to equalize them to one. Like our pope, He asks for forgiveness- isn’t that humbling enough to ask for forgiveness for the sins that he did not commit or is a mere history? Like Jesus- it is really difficult to be like HIM, and this is where our priests are modeling themselves to become…little by Christ(e.g. to carry their cross, be persecuted, blamed, shamed and die for others-but not literally). And because of their LOVE for GOD and human, they become more like a superhuman in our eyes. Of course, that’s the power of prayers, meditation, and evangelization, etc—to forget themselves and instead give more importance to others. As what Jesus said “Love others, as you love yourself”, Love GOD above all things. My favorite, “Whatever you DO to the least of MY brothers, you DO unto ME”-Please, let us not forget all these.  And at the end of it –still it is US(ourselves) to answer our almighty GOD, and they won’t be there for us, not our parents nor our relatives and friends to back for us- if we did not do what our religious people have encourage and taught us to supposedly do.
Let us be more sensitive to the issues that surrounds us, be more responsible, to be more aware of what we can to do to help, and what not to do. Understand each other at this time of crisis and situations, not just dwell on our own personal interests- but for the interests of ALL (as what most of our beloved priests have done and are still doing). Try to see the good in each one of us- because we always only see what is wrong with others- criticize others (even try to see the skeleton in each other’s closet). Why not try to do some reality check on oneself before others?  Think again, we may be even more sinful than what we think of, more than the convicted murderers, since they even have accepted their wrong doings and asked for forgiveness.  Let us all try to learn to be humble, try discipline and add self control/self-sacrifice- sometimes we also lack this, but then again, there are our religious leaders who are always trying to save us- to put into our heads, our hearts and minds what is morally upright. But most of the times we lack the fortitude to listen- that’s why we commit same mistakes over and over again. Try to listen, to understand, to commit ourselves to do good, to be of service to others, as well us to GOD. Life can be a roller coaster, but if you put your trust, believe in God’s mercy and love- everything will be as smooth-sailing as we hope everything to be.
May this article in a way have shed light and awakened you to what the real score or meaning of LIFE is when you think of doing what is NOT good- inappropriate, improper or not right.  What we must do is to overcome SIN; overcome lust, envy, greed, covetousness-those deadly sins whose very root is PRIDE and centers on the letter “I”. Let us try to obey our religious leaders. Obedience is what Jesus Christ taught us and his disciples, that includes his mother- our mother too, Mary as well as His disciples, so they were “blessed”. Think, or even still try to meditate. Ask God, and always PRAY. Constant communication with GOD, our Father will do great wonders. LOVE LIFE!!! ;-D


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