Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oils contain the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This acts as precursors of eicosanoids that are known to reduce inflammation throughout the body and are thought to have many health benefits.
Fish oils can be obtained by eating fish or taking fish oil supplements. Fish that are rich in the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids includes mackerel, pollock, tuna, cod, salmon, catfish, sturgeon, halibut, mullet, bluefish, anchovy, sardines, herring, trout, shark and menhaden. They provide about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids in about 3.5 ounces of fish. Fish oil supplements are usually made from some of the above lists like cod liver, salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, seal blubber and more. They often contain small amounts of vitamin E to prevent spoilage and have great effects to our health if combined with foods, and or, supplements that contains calcium, iron, or vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, or D.
Fish Oil benefits on Clinical depression, Schizophrenia, and Psoriasis:
Fish oil has been studied for treating clinical depression, anxiety, and its enhancing benefits from depression medications. Countries with the highest intake of fish in their diets are correlated with the lowest rates of depression among citizens. Evidence regarding the efficacy of fish oil supplements as a treatment for depression is currently inconclusive. Although several methodologically rigorous studies have reported statistically significant positive effects in the treatment of depressed patients, while other studies suggested to have found effects to be small or insignificant.
A study from the Orygen Research Centre in Melbourne suggests that omega-3 fatty acids could also help delay or prevent the onset of schizophrenia.
A study conducted at Sheffield University in England reported positive results with fish oil on patients suffering from schizophrenia. A professor of psychiatry at Sheffield University- Dr. Malcolm Peet organized the study and followed the participants’ progress. Previous participants of the study were taking anti-psychotic prescription drugs but after some time the prescribed drugs were no longer effective on patients. After taking fish oil supplements, participants in the study experienced progress compared to others who were given a placebo.
Diets supplemented with cod liver oil have also shown beneficial effects on psoriasis. Although, preferred source of omega-3 fatty acids should be from the fish's body and not the liver. The liver and liver products (such as cod liver oil) of fish and many animals (such as seals and whales) contain omega-3 which are also the active form of vitamin A. “At high levels, this form of the vitamin can be dangerous”.
In some cases high dosages of fish oil supplements increase risks of side effects such as bleeding, easy bruising and nose-bleeding, however low dosages generally have little to no associated side effects.
For general health it is recommended that two 3-ounce servings of fish must be eaten per week. However, it is important to note that to get an adequate dose of fish oil, high in Omega-3 fatty acids is difficult to obtain from food alone. Food or Fish oil supplements such as capsules and chewable tablets are other options to go along.
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