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Learning a Few Exercises for the Eyes is Worth a Clearer Sight

After that long working hours at the office or any place of work, our eyes are tired, sometimes overused and they must have time to relax and release pressure to renew and improve our vision. The worst thing that we can do to our eyes is to strain and to stare too much. In order for us to keep our eyes healthy and working at our advantage, there are some distinctive and very helpful alternative exercises for the eyes, which are designed to keep our eyes feeling strained.

Here are three things to learn when doing eye exercises:

  • Dot exercise- For this type of eye exercise you must first need to find a period or a comma on a certain page or post you are currently looking and make sure that you focus on it while making it as clear as possible. Stare at that period or point until you feel that it clearly comes into your eyes focus. There is a big chance that after a few seconds that period will become less clear and blurry.

Do this exercise while at the same time relaxing the eyes. Close your eyes for some time and then relax a bit. Continue what you have been doing by staring at the period again without straining your eyes. Try not to stare but instead let your eyes move slowly around the page, then over a period and around that period. Making sure that you are not focusing your eyes on the period alone since the eyes needs to move. You can blink your eyes as well for a short time while you close your eyes and at the same time creating a picture of the dot, then slowly look at it again. And once your eyes are more relax and focus then most surely it easier for you to see the period.

  • Word exercise- This is the second kind of exercise for the eyes. What you are going to do this time is to look for a word on a page or note you are looking. It is suggested to find a word with five or more letters and then stare at the word making out the complete view of the letters without moving the eyes. Be sure to give your entire focus on the whole word while trying to catch and keep hold of that image in your head. If you are staring, glaring or concentrating too hard it will again cause the word to blur when looking at it.

By this time you should be more relaxed or let your eyes relax a bit and try to move it slowly over, around and across each letter of the word, allowing the eyes to lead you at the same time. Do not force your eyes to view or look at what you wanted.  Doing this should make the word clearer when you are looking at it again. Allowing your eyes to move around is what’s aiding them to work there best without straining them.

  • Double Vision exercise- This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work as a team. Many individuals tend to use one eye to look at a certain object, while the other one is working on a different task. You can help make an object brought to its sharper focus with both of your eyes but doing this cause unnecessary stress to the eyes. The trick here is ensuring that the eyes are relax, making them focus on the object lightly in a calming way thereby allowing both of the eyes to focus clearly together.

Clearly and understandably, learning tips and tricks about eye exercises and keeping them relax is always a great way to develop useful and lasting habits, while at the same time ensuring that your eyes will remain great for more years to come.


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