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Natural Essentials of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil also known as Melaleuca is a natural antibacterial disinfectant and is often used as an essential oil or as a general antiseptic for variety of ailments. Tea Tree Oil has been recently confirmed by scientific community to contain tremendous medicinal benefits.

Tea tree oil has beneficial medical properties when applied topically, including antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral action, and was commonly used as a general antiseptic by the aborigine tribes for thousands of years. Pure forms of oils from these native plants of northeast coasts of Australia are extracted from its leaves that are usually diluted for use in cosmetics and medicines.They can be found in many varieties of beauty products like soaps, toothpastes, shampoos, skin creams, lotions, lip balms, and other more essential oils.

Beneficial uses of Tea Tree Oil:
Acne -  Tea tree oil contains anti-bacterial and therapeutic skin elements that have been proven helpful in acne healing. Use acne medication that contains 15% or more of tea tree oil which are known to be more effective. 
A result show that a topical application of 5% tea tree oil versus 5% benzoyl peroxide for treating common acne (acne vulgaris) caused by the microorganism have both reduced the number of acne lesions, but the tea tree oil worked more slowly and produced fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide this could possibly be due to lower concentration used. 

Bad Breath, Inflamed Gums, and Plaque - Tea tree oil in the form of mouthwash, acts as a natural cure for bad breath, oral candidiasis or "thrush", gingivitis, plaque, and inflamed gums.They work to kill mouth bacteria prior to dental surgery as well as reduces mouth irritation or sensitivity  that is often caused by dental procedures. 

Fungal Infections - Tea tree oil has been revealed to help fight off the fungus that causes many topical infections or fungal infections such as jock itch, athletes foot, etc. It has been revealed to  those mentioned above.

Dandruff - Studies have shown that shampoos that contains about 5% of tea tree oil can cure as well as diminish the cause of dandruff and help get rid of head lice.Therefore, if you think that  tea tree oil maybe the solution for treating your dandruff and other scalp problems- try a shampoo or any other product that has a 5% tea tree oil and use it daily.
Although, Australia's aboriginal people have used tea tree oil for centuries and through which studies have tested its effectiveness for treating dandruff and other scalp conditions- it were all deemed to be inconclusive. 

Minor Cuts- Tea tree oil are also used for minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, and stings. The oil helps create a barricade on your skin to aid in preventing the growth of fungi that will decrease the chance of infection, diminish the scar, and speed up its healing process.
Gynecological conditions.- Tea tree oil have been use in successful treatment of vaginal infections, such as trichomonal vaginitis. Anaerobic (bacterial) vaginosis are usually treated with medications like metronidazole, but these drugs have been known to contain toxic side effects, and an increase in the long-term recurrence of infection. 
Topical treatment with tea tree oil maybe more effective because the abnormal bacterial flora is replaced by normal healthy bacteria.


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